
Step by step videos explaining how to do certain things in 3ds max (User interface, Modeling, materials etc). All the tutorials has Spanish Audio but could be followed easily without knowing the language or if you are using another 3D package like blender, maya or any other.
Step by step videos explaining how to do certain things in 3ds max (User interface, Modeling, materials etc). All the tutorials has Spanish Audio but could be followed easily without knowing the language or if you are using another 3D package like blender, maya or any other.

The videos you will find here has not the intention to be a tutorial, instead, just shows all the process from start to finish to make certain projects like interior designs, character modeling, etc. Those videos don´t have audio or only have a background music to easily follow
The videos you will find here has not the intention to be a tutorial, instead, just shows all the process from start to finish to make certain projects like interior designs, character modeling, etc. Those videos don´t have audio or only have a background music to easily follow

Here you will find useful content like references, blueprints or complete projects to compliment your learning process.
Here you will find useful content like references, blueprints or complete projects to compliment your learning process.